79 definitions by person yo-yo

How to tell if you're an idiot
Keep clicking the link that says "How to tell if you're an idiot"
by person yo-yo December 20, 2003
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Errrrm....I dunno.
You looked up: look up: looki up: look up:.
by person yo-yo July 24, 2003
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The word 'yo' can be added to almost any sentence to add style. It can also mean 'hello'.
What's the delio, yo?

Yo! What-up?
by person yo-yo December 20, 2003
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A very soft hammer. It would not hurt if someone smacked you around with it.
by person yo-yo July 24, 2003
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that shit has so much fucking caffine in
i drank some of that jolt shit, and i
was fucking high on caffine.
by person yo-yo April 16, 2003
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