Constantly going up big but ultimately losing it all in the end game after game.
Florida's basketball team has been choking ever since their current coach was hired.
by Waffl3nation February 2, 2020
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To make an attempt to steal something.

Another word for Aah Ha!!!
I Choked Mr. Martin Cell Phone today.

Mr. Martin: "I lost my cell phone"
Me: "Chokes" LOL
by Antwon A.K.A. Twon December 3, 2003
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girl that gets fatalitized
reece: damn you choked the shit out of tanya
greg: aint nothin to a boss
by Tanya LOLOLOLO December 10, 2007
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The act of coming up short of the set goal.
ex: The Philadelphia Eagles(see also cocksuckers)
by joe January 22, 2005
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a vast ammount of something, lots, mucho. often accompanied with kine after it.
-No I'm no' beefin. I got choke love foa you bruddah.
-Brah, I hate Palini. Choke Kine.
by Alekanekelo July 7, 2008
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1) What the 2007 New England Patriots did in Super Bowl XLII.

2) The act of losing a big sports game when you are expected to win it, due to having prior wins and/or the odds in your favor.
1) The Pats choked in the Super Bowl and lost to the Giants. Bill Belichick walked off the field with time left on the clock. So much for 19-0.

2) Did you see Tom Brady last night? What a choke artist!
by Patssuck November 1, 2008
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