Citizen's Band radio service.

used by truckers/rednecks/people to lazy to buy a FRS radio (see "FRS") frequency range:

26.965 to 27.405 MHz.

rednecks are known for spilling beer one thier CB radios in order to modify them to get better range....even though it just makes them look like morons (rednecks have always been stupid, though they posses a set of values that was gone from rest of American society about 30 years ago...)

oh yeah, and buy a FRS radio
by Crystal Palace October 8, 2003
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Crazy bitch syndrome A cruel way to describe someone suffering from borderline personality disorder.
My co-worker Catherine had CBS, which is why she was fired.
by giselle July 21, 2004
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An anacronym that stands for a group of people. Said group of people resides in Harford County Maryland. They are known either as Constant Blunt Smokers or Casual Bowl Smokers. The former being the harder core version.

In addition to Casual Bowl Smoker and Constant Blunt Smoker, CBS has several cover anacronyms used as explanations for rampant notebook-graffiti. Some of these include:

College Bound Student (my personal favorite)
Can't Be Stopped
Commercial(canadian) Broadcasting Service
Chris Baker Sucks (second favorite)

Teacher- "Damn those CBS and their fucking grafitti!"
by CBS7 October 28, 2007
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My friend, Jake, has a bad case of CBS.
by annika July 30, 2003
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CB stands for "Cry Baby" It is a New Zealand term which is generally used for guys who dress in an almost feminine way. They spike their hair up at the back and flat at the front, wear low-riding tight jeans and shoes which were originally designed for girls. Wear mid-calf high socks while wearing shorts and their white (or the more recent blue) 'CB' shoes.
Are likely to be described as a 'skux' and may or may not use the word 'Swagger'. Are often caught listening to Justin Bieber.

A type of 'gangsta'
'CB aaas' 'What a CB'
by Mertcourroney May 1, 2010
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