when the girl's body is too ugly or fat and you have no choice but to fuck her. The best method would be to put her in a cardboard box.
Drill a hole in the cardboard box where her pussy is-easy access for the dick-cardboard boxing
by Aleeesia November 16, 2011
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N. Device used for stealth in MGS. More then often doesn't work.
Hugh? A strangely placed box. I shall inspect. "!" H.Q. WE HAVE AN INTRUDER!
|ALERT! 99.99|
by Matt August 15, 2005
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When you give birth to twins on a sheet of cardboard. Then your vagina flaps become stiff and brown like cardboard.
The man of the house can not have sexual relations with his wife due to her Alabama cardboard.
by 5dorra October 12, 2016
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Noun. The cardboard box that Microsoft sends to Xbox 360 owners, used to mail the Xbox 360 to a repair center safely and back.
My 360 broke so I had to call and get a Cardboard Coffin.
by InitialDeer August 14, 2008
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A shriveled up dick. Used as an insult more than literally
Tom: Shut the fuck up Izzy you cardboard dog I hate you
Izzy: WTF!????!?!!!!!
by Tomcablehater2 August 3, 2020
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An emergency makeshift device, made of cardboard, to push a giant turd around the u-bend.
“What are you doing to that pizza box?”
“I’ve blocked the shitter so I’m making a cardboard-poostick!”
by Lady Shitcakes October 15, 2017
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the act of using a flattened cardboard box to slide places; i.e., down hills, down stairs.
He didn't need a skateboard or sled, he could go cardboard sliding down the hill on that box the new washer came in.
by helen1929 January 29, 2013
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