Emptying your bank account on drugs and other financially unsound purposes.
Friend1: Is Andrew on a drug binge or what?
Friend2: Yea man hes got a serious case of financial bulimia.
by gypsythrap September 18, 2011
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vomiting of the butthole shortly after eating.
Dan ate sushi and immediately had butt bulimia.
by Wj August 20, 2015
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A person who justifies eating by excessively working out soon after a meal is digested.
Raquel: ugh...I just had 2 slices of pizza and a beer. I need to wake up early tomorrow to run 10 miles.

Steve: don't forget we are having birthday cake in the afternoon too.

Raquel: oh great. Then ill have to run and workout tomorrow night too then.

Steve: I think you have "exercise bulimia"!
by kevcola June 18, 2011
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Definition: The act of trying to make yourself sneeze on purpose to get rid of a booger lodged way up in your nose.
Examples: Once, I had this one really crusty booger that my finger couldn't reach, so I sniffed some pepper and that sucker came flying right out!!

Yesterday, I was bored, so I did some spring cleaning for my nose by performing nose bulimia... *sniffs* ahh.. fresh air!
by i-like-to-eat-babies May 6, 2010
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When you are brushing your teeth and your toothbrush accidentally hits your uvula, causing you to throw up the food you had just eaten. This usually leads to full-on bulimia when you purposefully stick your finger in your throat and cause yourself to barf.
Trixie: Last month I was brushing my teeth and developed accidental bulimia.
Lizzie: No way! Me too! We should throw up together sometime!
Trixie: Sounds fun!
by heyitsyouknowwho January 11, 2011
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n. a disease consisting of binging (downloading all the music by an artist one is not all that familiar with) and purging (deleting most of the songs recently downloaded because they are actually really awful).
Uh-oh. Grab a bucket, 'cuz Diana's musical bulimia is back. Turns out there's only one good song by The Yardbirds.
by BananaAnanas February 9, 2010
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People with bulimia frequently eat unusually large amounts of food in a specific period of time. Each binge eating episode usually continues until the person becomes painfully full. During a binge, the person usually feels that they cannot stop eating or control how much they are eating. Binges can happen with any type of food but most commonly occur with foods the individual would normally avoid. Individuals with bulimia then attempt to purge to compensate for the calories consumed and relieve gut discomfort. Common purging behaviors include forced vomiting, fasting, laxatives, diuretics, enemas, and excessive exercise. Symptoms may appear very similar to those of the binge eating or purging subtypes of anorexia nervosa. However, individuals with bulimia usually maintain a relatively normal weight, rather than becoming underweight. Side effects of bulimia may include an inflamed and sore throat, swollen salivary glands, worn tooth enamel, tooth decay, acid reflux, irritation of the gut, severe dehydration, and hormonal disturbances. In severe cases, bulimia can also create an imbalance in levels of electrolytes, such as sodium, potassium, and calcium. This can cause a stroke or heart attack.
People with bulimia nervosa crave food and binge eat, tho they are not emaciated.
by CreativitySparks. June 15, 2021
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