Another word for a Vagina.

Meaty, fluffy, sometimes crusty, could be pale or burnt looking, and people love to eat it.
I'm hungry for Jenny's Bologna Biscuit right now. She's looking fine as hell; I could eat that all night long.
by SassyJax01 November 16, 2011
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The state of mind one can reach through the act of smoking marijuana. One can indentify if stoney bologna is reached through the followiinng; uncontrollable giggling/laughing, the inability to form sentences, the need to consume any/all food around you, ect.
"Yo...I'm stoney bologna. Pass the marshmallow mateys."
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Pussy lips so big and wide, they could be pulled cheek to cheek while attempting to "slicing the ham" with your tongue.
While flicking my girl-friend's bean, I had to part her bologna curtains like a high school musical getting ready to play an encore.
by Ned Bolcar July 3, 2010
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This is another name for the Northern Shoveler a waterfowl species common in the United States and Canada. This term was coined because they will swoop in and steal your bologna when you are not looking
Man did you just see that bologna snatcher.
by Ye old shit January 30, 2017
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An extremely classy term for a vagina. Most commonly used by the most civilized of gentleman.
Man, she had some dry folded bologna!
by Jerry The Big Cat February 23, 2008
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When a chick's nipple is so huge it covers her entire tit, like a big ol' slice of bologna.
Dseeamn cunt, you gotta gimme some fuckin bread and mayo before i suck on your big ass bologna nipples!
by jut March 11, 2003
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