Boring. Consists of uninteresting entries about one's life in a small screen resolution using a ridiculously stupid format and/or loaded with links. Also mandated by law to contain 5 gigabytes of political banners/videos/documents
"Now don't read the blogs Jimmy, don't forget your brother committed suicide after reading those!"

I hate blogs.

"D00d check out my bl0g!!"
*response* "How about you check out the edge of my knife?"
by Crunkonius January 4, 2006
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a word great for use in the workplace. Often known to be used in place of profanities.

Situation - busy at work;
1 Now's not a good time, I'm blogged.
2 Stop blogging me! Trying to work here....
3 I'd be getting some work done if it wasn't for your incessant blogging!
by feefaa September 1, 2006
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A better way of saying that no one cares. It can be changed, yet mean the same thing. Such as:

Cool man, Blog it.
Update the blog.
Go ahead and blog that for me.
Oh shit Zed, I just realized that KEGE is 20nm north of here.

Blog it.

It's an ORBX airport.

Write a book.
by Swivel Chair Patrol January 3, 2017
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A short web entry about some nobody online that goes on and on about there not important, non-eventful lives full of personal drama and crap that no one wants to hear. Usally expressed in forms of text.
An example of a BLOG would be like, who blogs about his daily, boring life and throws in a few exciting pictures and nouns.
by Meagan654xoxo July 17, 2010
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Blog is a short form for Web log.

There are two types of blogs:

a) those written by people who are experts on a topic they're writing about, and their posts can be very useful to other people who are working on similar things.

Such blogs are very informative, and have a purpose. Design looks professional, and there are not any bigger annoyances.

Grammar is good, sentences are well formed. Box on the side provides more info, or links to other useful resources on the web.

Such blogs are very rare.

b) Those mostly written by emos, teenagers who have got nothing better to do and people who think that someone actually cares about crap that's going in their lives when in fact the only visitors they have are bots and other idiots who only comment to say things like 'I like your blog', 'great post', 'please comment on my blog'.

Such blogs also have a very poor grammar, there are no paragraphs and that makes it even harder to read.

Useless blogs that are of no value to the community in any way can be divided into following subtypes:

EMO CRAP - random ranting about how you are depressed, how you saw a good movie which reminded you of past and made you cry or how you bought a new <emo band name> CD.

colors are usually dark - the banner is way too big, and shows grayscale images of converse shoes or blood.

TEENAGE GIRL - usually consist of short posts with no grammar at all, and sentences like: 'school sucks.... i went shopping today. :DDDDDDD'.
smile to text ratio is usually 5:1.

The designs of such blogs are usually crappy, colors are flashy and hard to read, big images in the background, layout is mostly broken by crappy flash apps or gif images which flash for no reason at all.

Boxes are full of guy pictures, and lists of people they like/dislike, along with their own image, full name, mobile phone number, school, town, country zip code and other info useful to stalkers.

There is also a lot of music embedded that plays when the page loads and often there are more then one songs playing at once.

IDIOTS WHO THINK WE CARE - people who think that someone actually cares about how they just bought new shoes, ended in a debt or whatever.

ONE TIME POSTERS - those who have only one post informing us that they will now be writing their own blog.
"EA just announced RED ALERT 3, yet another game in the C&C franchise, but a first game in the Red Alert universe since EA took over Westwood Studios.

No one understands me. I feel so alone. Yesterday i bought new <emo crap band name here> CD. I can really relate to these songs. ...and so on

<girl name> and I went to mall today.... :D btw, i hate school... so boooring. <guy name> is so hawt... <3

I just bought a new coffee machine and i like it because it has so many functions. I also think that this blog is interesting to visitors who are not search engine bots who have not yet been enhanced to the point when they realize this blog is crap and nobody cares about it and spam bots who don't really care about my crap, they just want emails.

This is my new blog. From now on I'll post stuff about events in my life.
by Slunjan July 17, 2008
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Term used to describe anyone with enough time or narcissism to document every tedious bit of minutia filling their uneventful lives. Possibly the most annoying thing about bloggers is the sense of self-importance they get after even the most modest of publicity. Sometimes it takes as little as a referral on a more popular blogger's website to set the lesser blogger's ego into orbit.
usually occurs after a person purchases or attains access to a computer but before they learn anything about writing.
by hex August 5, 2005
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If minds had anuses, blogging would be what your mind would do when it had to take a dump.
by hex August 5, 2005
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