All Terrain Masterbater
someone who is so incredibly bored and horny that they masterbate anytime and anywhere possible.
Man he is such an ATM i cant believe he jerked it in the gravel pit!
by joelarryasshole January 31, 2007
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Initials stand for Ass to Mouth. This is the transaction of a male pulling out his penis from the depths of a female asshole and placing it directly into the chicks mouth. There is only a 5 second grace period or the transaction is canceled from extended drying.
1. I pulled a quick ATM transaction on Marie last night.

2. (Prostitute talking) Can we stop! I need that money from the ATM
by CJdaTruth November 10, 2010
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Angry Troll Monkey: Angry, loud, obnoxious girl that looks like a mix between a monkey and a troll. Watch out, some ATMs have been known to fling their own poo like their monkey namesakes.
"Damn, last night I had this crazy ass anal sex with this ATM! She even gave me some ATM (ass to mouth) action! It was hot yo!"
by Mr. Ballsack February 18, 2005
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Guy 1: "Yo bro, did you really eat that ass out last night?"

Guy 2: "Fuck yea dude!!! We straight ATM'ed at my crib!"
by manwhoeatsu October 19, 2012
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Ass to mouth, is when a man is fucking a girl in the ass then "transfers" his cock to her mouth so she can taste her sweet own ass.
I'm gonna atm that bitch tonite!
I bet she's an atm!
by peter pumpkin October 26, 2006
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Awareness Through Movement. Group classes in the Feldenkrais Method.
So, are ATMs really just a bit of twatting about on the floor in the hope you'll be less of a tit?

Yeah, i guess that just about sums it up!
by HollaBackGirl2 December 18, 2007
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While in the act of anal sex,you pull out of significant other's assto put it in hermouthwhere one makes his deposit.
by DSanchez February 27, 2004
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