Someone who sucks at life.

I.E. No job, no Car, no Woman, Sonic, etc...
"STFU scrub! You friggin suck at Halo so get off my right nut and suck the left because he's jealous!"
by xX Gerbil November 12, 2005
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A deadbeat loser guy who be riding wit his friend all da time cause he cant afford his own car. Hes broke, wears cheap clothing and is usually unnatractive. Also usually gets some sort of assistance like welfare or foodstamps. Hes sometimes overweight, unnatractive and is corny and cant get wit the ladies.
(Im looking like class and hes looking like trash , cant get wit no dead beat ass.) TLC

No lady wants a scrub
by duvall February 25, 2005
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a fat nasty broke man wit no friends most likely or just one retarded friend who aint willing to get up off his lazy foodstamp collectin ass and make somthin of his life. His mammy be drivin him around or his uncle and aunt and he dont know shit about ladies or how to get one. He gona be fat broke and on welfare his whole damn life cause he to lazy and has no self worth to make somethin of himself.
That scrub approuchin a lady whos out of his league , aint he ever gona learn.
by defjamjf February 26, 2005
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A derogatory term for males losers with no direction in life, used in the chorus of a 1990s Top 20 hit song.

Ritalin-junkie "gamers" who were probably born in the 90s use it in place of "noob" without realizing how it makes them sound like a valley girl. Because they're too young to remember valley girls.

No one with a life uses either term, except in jest.
You scrubs will never make it in EMM ELL GEE, brah!
by Dmitri B. January 19, 2011
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A guy who's just really uncool and dweebish. Usually obsessed with video games and pretending to be cool. They congregate in groups of likeminded individuals, often speaking to girls and hopelessly hitting on them. The girls who are nice enough to talk usually get sucked in and asked strange questions, "oh do you have a vagina, ahahahahahah" these girls are unfortunate and end up picking bad friendships and being exiled slowly from more original groups. Scrubs are mainly very strange, think they are cool, being neither, a majority are failing at life, being unpopular and spending all they're time wasting instead of studying like smarter, hard working boys do
Look at the scrub crew, watching that girl like she's meat, they're so uncool!
by SwegInABox April 29, 2015
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1. Some that has no life.
2. A bum.
3. Someone that just sits around all day and gets nothing accomplished.
Dom your such a scrub, get up and go get a blunt.
by FreeTrial4DeatH June 5, 2007
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A scrub is someone who is acting like a loser or is being ridiculous at common things in life.
She wont pick up her phone; i need to know what time she got the tickets for. She is acting like such a scrub!!
by istayfly8 July 14, 2011
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