5 definitions by FreeTrial4DeatH

1. The act of being a scrub
a.Sucks and has no life
Doms so scrubbish, he needs to get a real job.
by FreeTrial4DeatH June 7, 2007
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1. Someone who just sits around all day smoking, snorting, eating, licking, and injecting drugs all day.
2. This person can relate to a "scrub", who sits around all day and gets nothing accomplished.
-Bar's such a baser, look at him sleep on the blunt.
by FreeTrial4DeatH June 5, 2007
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1. To be so f*cked up beyond belief.
2. Very intoxicated/high.
3. To feel very good because the side-effects of certain substances.
-I was so zooted last night I dont remember doing that fat chick.
-That blunt got me so zooted.
by FreeTrial4DeatH June 7, 2007
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1. To treat someone with disrespect.
2. To take advantage of someone.
Why you sizing, I gave you $10 and all you bought me was 1 cheeseburger?!?!
by FreeTrial4DeatH June 7, 2007
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1. Some that has no life.
2. A bum.
3. Someone that just sits around all day and gets nothing accomplished.
Dom your such a scrub, get up and go get a blunt.
by FreeTrial4DeatH June 5, 2007
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