xan thot is usually a female, that is beyond obsessed with xanax, they may not even take xans that often but they talk about them way to much
dude 1: hey u know that girl over there? who is she?
dude 2: bro u don’t wanna get with her cause she is a xan thot
by angelbb July 10, 2018
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A woman who sells her self for Xanax, usually a single mother with multiple children who frequents the local bar and will often have simple 2 syllable names like Berta.
If Berta sucked his shaft for a xan wouldn't that make her a xan-ho?
by beeze to the weeze January 15, 2019
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When you man goes down on you and he can’t find the clot so your left wanting more and you have to go to the bathroom and finish yourself silently while he’s in the other room thinking he did a great job because you’ve gotten used to faking an orgasm
Did you see the look on Jills face she definitely got Dirty Xaned last night.
by Pig in a planner April 16, 2020
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a rapper with a name equal to cancer but bars worthy of gold
dude did you hear lil xan's new song yesterday? he's way underrated!
by lilxanexpert September 9, 2017
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Quite possibly the worst “musician” to participate in music. He is responsible for the spike in ear related hospitalizations throughout the world.
Friend: Have you heard the new Lil Xan song?

Me: Absolutely not.

Friend: It wasn’t that bad, actually

Me: Never talk to me ever again
by musicman4748 June 21, 2022
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Hiccuping while being intoxicated on xanax
Did you hear that noise? Yeah, that was brad that nigga got the Xan Ups
by Jbiv and Kbiz December 25, 2014
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