Websters Dictionary once defined 'World War III' as: "A hypothetical war of the future involving nuclear and/or biological weapons and resulting in the near or total destruction of mankind."

There are also many, many books, novels, short stories, scenarios, pamphlets, tracts, magazines, comic books, movies, and television shows dealing with this subject.
The One True Comment on World War III:
"I don't know what weapons will be used in the Third World War, but the Fourth will see the survivors...armed with clubs!"--Albert Einstein
by Carl J. Maltese June 20, 2007
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The war that was supposed to happen in 1985, according to the novel written by British former General Sir John Hackett, entitled "The Third World War: The Untold Story".

Features the usual Cold War era nemeses (U.S.A. / U.S.S.R) and their respective allies (lackies) with fighting taking place in various theatres, notably central Europe and the Middle East.

First published in 1978, revised in 1982; commonly referred to under the genre of "future history", but can now of course be classified as "alternate history".
"The Third World War" makes references to much of the military hardware of the day (F-15 Eagle fighter jets, AH-64 Apache helicopter gunships, and Abrams tanks, just to name a few), as well as concentrated (but contained) nuclear attacks on Birmingham, UK and Minsk, USSR.

A very realistic and intriguing account of what COULD HAVE happened, but thank God, never did. And an excellent read.
by James August 11, 2004
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World War III (noun)

definition of World War III:

the predicted third worldwide war that finally began on December 15, 2018, that was tought mainly between Ariana Grande, Kanye West, Nicki Minaj, and Pete Davidson

creds to @exposedbihh on twitter
guy #1: yo did you see what happened today on twitter?
guy #2: what?
by chipotlemcdonald December 16, 2018
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the war in which man battles the urge to whack off
you look like you went through world war w last night
by that guy sob October 4, 2013
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The long word of WW3. People are worried that WW3 will happen because of the russian-ukrainian war.
Oh great. World war 3 just started. time to hop into my furry bunker
by NokoDev December 11, 2022
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When you take a massive and really, really messy shit. It is the kind of shit that’s similar to World Wars, in that both can be so vile that they often cause permanent damage to, and forever change everything they touch. This is beyond destroying the toilet, it’s nuking the toilet twice like the US did the Japanese.

Typically the final consequence of eating half a bag of dried plums in one sitting, as Mr. Regular from Regular Car Reviews experienced in his Subaru BRAT review.
Dude I unleashed World War Brown last night on your toilet, I’m so sorry. The stains and smell are likely permanent. I didn’t have a choice after those dried plums and Taco Bell, and now my asshole is outlawed by the Geneva Convention.
by citydwellingthesaurus June 23, 2021
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World War III: The world just got plain TIRED of us being asses...
by M.R.F.N May 1, 2007
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