its a name that nobody wants and if u want it u r a hero
hi lacky
by altface August 31, 2020
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1. Pl of lacky.
2. A group of people that cant think for themselves, and have a Boss that does the thinking for them. Anyone that lacks the inteligence to figure it out for themselves.
He's a candy ass, its a good thing he's got lackies to do his dirty work.
by allnamesaretaken November 3, 2006
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A word that's meant to be spelled with an "e" before the y.
lacky should be spelled "lackey"
by theguyverswill September 9, 2010
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Someone who lacks ambition
Tim and his lackies will be jammin in the club this weekend
by lendahand September 2, 2014
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signifies the need to get rested because of sexual intense activity
fucko: I'll break ya ass bitch!
shucko: oh no please I need to be lacky
by fucko May 9, 2005
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