1 definition by citydwellingthesaurus

When you take a massive and really, really messy shit. It is the kind of shit that’s similar to World Wars, in that both can be so vile that they often cause permanent damage to, and forever change everything they touch. This is beyond destroying the toilet, it’s nuking the toilet twice like the US did the Japanese.

Typically the final consequence of eating half a bag of dried plums in one sitting, as Mr. Regular from Regular Car Reviews experienced in his Subaru BRAT review.
Dude I unleashed World War Brown last night on your toilet, I’m so sorry. The stains and smell are likely permanent. I didn’t have a choice after those dried plums and Taco Bell, and now my asshole is outlawed by the Geneva Convention.
by citydwellingthesaurus June 23, 2021
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