Generally used to describe an above average experience or situation in a positive way.
The accommodations were truly vaginous.
by JP Vaginous August 24, 2007
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1. of or relating to the vagina
2. idiotic, bullshitting
1. Your mother is vaginal.
2. This homework is so vaginal.
by Bastardized Bottomburp May 14, 2003
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The act of exploring a vagina for recreational purposes.
I lost my watch went I went vagineering with my girlfriend over the weekend.
by madnis July 27, 2008
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A term used mostly by gay men to depict something unpleasant, foul, or undesirable. Often replaces words such as stupid, dumb, gay, etc.
Ugh, this is so vaginal, I have to work a 9 hour shift today!

Those pants are straight up vaginal. Throw them out, now!
by vedved82491 June 10, 2009
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"I heard she was untapped so I stuck it in her vaginity."
by The Beaver Bumper January 4, 2008
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v. To crawl back up into one's mother. To return to the uterus.
Jimmy decided to vaginate on me. Can't believe I didn't see it coming.
by jdolan February 3, 2005
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When you lift up your dong and your balls look like a vagina.
Tommy showed Mike his vaginer!
by Rocke May 10, 2004
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