A hefty girl who looks like she was once good looking and could achieve that status again if she would Hit A Gym.
-"Damn, freshman fifteen put her to shame."

"She's a Hag for sure."
by NoPathos December 5, 2010
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When a young man attempts to hook up with much older women.
Derek, I am so horny for an old sea hag right now. Let's go hagging at the nursing home. I want a granny with a wrinkled cooch!
by Bolton June 26, 2009
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An ugly old women who is addicted to Grapes, she is also a greedy brat.
Lucas: Why are you such a hag!?
Devan: I'm not! You are!
by StrangeWords December 24, 2016
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A person, who at first glance appears to be hot, but however when u get a closer look, is unnatractive.

Rob:OH look at that hot bitch
BD: Is she hot
MF: Nah..looked like it at first tho
DT: ha HAG!!
by BIGROBDIZZLE May 25, 2007
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