can also be short term for homer (simpsons)
marge calls him homie..
Marge: aww, my poor homie...
by private1 September 26, 2006
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a typo of the phrase "no homo"
*search here*
no homi
(shit I didn't want to do that . oh there actually a definition for it)
by zach-ary September 4, 2015
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A homie is a way that a male introduces another male as a close friend.
VuxVux is my Homie
by Filed_Regret July 29, 2019
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to show the greatness of the kind of homie you are to another person.
Look at my friends homieness, he's so cool!
by Dino-MITE Jesse October 16, 2008
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friend in ghetto language
perhaps a close friend or trusted pal
yo homie, come pass that rock to yo main homeboy aiiiiight cheeeea
by jigga main 11 May 20, 2003
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close friends that usually wear adidas tracksuits, are of russian and italian descent, and only go to bars that offer dollar bud light nights.
homies 1 hey you want to go get some bud lights tonight.

homies 2 hells yea bud light be right, let me put on my track suit and i will see you there.

homies 1 hell yea bud light.
by 1homies September 29, 2010
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