a very creative play on my nickname which means I'll give you sex. lol. made by one of my besties! love yah!!
Dude your so hott i wanna tater your tots!!
I'll tater your tots you hipster hunk!
by andysambergismylove February 1, 2009
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A sexual act where one first eats lots of corn. Then when the time is right to defecate one inserts tater tots into his/her rectum. Then the person's partner proceeds to fuck them in the ass giving the mixture a good stir. The man may chose to ejaculate if he so wishes to add his secret sauce. Once the mixture is good and stirred the person then proceeds to defecate on their partner's chest. The resulting shit will resemble a tater tot hotdish.
I got to tell you about this new fetish going around, it's called a tater tot hotdish.
by Freaky_steam77 January 30, 2018
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when some one is very boy crazy. nonstop talks about boys. this person also smells funny. this is a nickname people call others who do that.
Hey tater tot!!
by tatayy222 October 27, 2019
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A cute tall boy with brown hair and brown eyes. He’s really sweet and caring. and makes you feel butterflies :)
by bjuff December 9, 2020
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A person who has eaten so many tatertots in their lifetime that they start to look like one
I have eaten so many tatertots today that you mind as well call me Tater Tot.
by putdown April 14, 2015
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A prostitute from Ireland. Most famous because they are as cheap as a potato used to make tater tots.
Hey dude, I am sorry she left you, let me call a tater tot for you, she will fix you right up.
by Pan Protektor November 22, 2021
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