a thing that joe fuchs grandma likes to eat for dinner
Joe: Grandma im hungry whats for dinner
Grandma: poopsicles
by Justin April 28, 2003
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a popsicle that is more flavorable and has more color and nutrients and wastes;a piece of shat on a stick is also called a diarrhea bar
i had a poopsicle for desert and a diarrhea bar for a bedtime snack.
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person 1: i froze my poop and put it on a stick and ate it
person 2: awesome i love poopsicles
by 666roflzforlife September 7, 2009
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The small wooden stick used to sample your
poop for a colorectal blood in stool test
Use the poopsicle to obtain a small ammount of stool and smear it on the available test area.
by John Willi May 2, 2005
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A chocolate treat that brendan likes to eat, not too sour, not too sweet, but just right. After you poop you grab a stick, remove the sliver of poop from the toilet and put it on a stick
by Anonymous October 28, 2003
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a person who brings down an upbeat mood or ambiance, shared by an individual or a general public
poopsicle,party pooper,downer,pessamist,emo
by jord;) December 26, 2009
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a place in brace beldons large anus
lets go to poopsicle
by poopsicle August 18, 2003
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