man: what's the difference between killing someone and saving someone?
man 1: the first would be pointless while on the other hand saving someone is pointful
by Mrs Zebra December 3, 2010
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1. A particular aim, end or purpose.
2. A decisive state of circumstances.
3. The important or essential thing.
A woman of understanding might blow up with sufficient reason saying and doing things to make a valid point but she always tries to get to the point of mutual understanding and respect. She is not spiteful and never seeks to destroy anyone, she knows her worth and doesn't need to fight for anyone's attention or affection, that's pointless.

He said he'd made a mistake, she understood and although hurt she accepted it and was ready to move on with her life hoping for mutual respect so she didn't get the point of him trying to make her jealous or mocking her followed by them stalking and harassing her causing her distress.

She doesn't bother anyone. He said repeatedly 'he has his own life' and 'a disease' that most men have. She understood, appreciated his honesty and respected his decision by leaving him alone. She therefore, for the life of her, cannot see the point of them monitoring every aspect of her life.

What is the point of this? By your disrespect and utter disregard for her feelings you are trying to destroy her! You didn't want her, wasn't that the whole POINT of everything you said and did? She listened to you, respected and understood you even after you hurt her, did you do the same for her?
by Goddess12* December 22, 2013
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only the best type of dance you can do. mainly done by tall gorgeouse brunettes who also play sports as well. pointe is an elegant activity and boys love ballerinas with grace.
whoa! is malorie a ballerina!

no she's just trying to be like anna who takes pointe.

by Pointe January 20, 2009
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as in when someone says something stupid or randomly that does not make any sense
person 1: "aint it possible to burn trash in a bubble?"
Person 2: "man... point"
Person 1: "Ooh he fine" (when he really dont even look good...)
Person 2: "Point, he ugly."
by suzanne and saphire November 2, 2003
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To be twacked out for a long period of time. Or super aware of your surroundings, not necessarily because of drugs.
What's good with you boss? Not shit, just been on point all weekend. Now I'm trying to hustle for some locos.

Are you high dog? Naw, I'm chillin. Just drinking some energy drinks trying to get on point.
by caliconnect November 6, 2010
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A mythical award given for the accomplishment of an improbable crime, act of violence, or accident, especially with a car; for instance, running over an ordinary pedestrian counts as one point, running over a pregnant nun on a bicycle is worth five points, but running a bus full of pregnant nuns off a cliff is given 40 points. The crime need not be automotive -- firearms, bombs, inflammable fluids and the operation of heavy machinery are also acceptable means. Pregnant nuns, extraterrestrials, hallucinations and in-laws are favored targets.
Yo, if you hit that nun on the unicycle there it's at least six points.
by anarcissie January 14, 2011
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1. achieving a level of musical or otherwise artistic excellence
Bro, that last freestyle was on point.
by xchavezx May 12, 2010
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