18 definitions by Goddess12*
Ana: The truth of the matter is that by their words and actions, they've all managed to alienate me from them.
He said and did everything possible to alienate her because it was only a reluctantship (see Urban Dictionary Definition) on his part.
The intentional and extreme cruelty, controlling and manipulative conduct with no remorse was a clear sign of Psychopathy, something she was all too familiar with and so, it served only to alienate her. She knows that true love involves complete respect, trust, honesty, loyalty, kindness, gratitude, understanding and patience and comes with a sense of security and PEACE.
He said and did everything possible to alienate her because it was only a reluctantship (see Urban Dictionary Definition) on his part.
The intentional and extreme cruelty, controlling and manipulative conduct with no remorse was a clear sign of Psychopathy, something she was all too familiar with and so, it served only to alienate her. She knows that true love involves complete respect, trust, honesty, loyalty, kindness, gratitude, understanding and patience and comes with a sense of security and PEACE.
by Goddess12* December 21, 2013
by Goddess12* December 19, 2013
1. A particular aim, end or purpose.
2. A decisive state of circumstances.
3. The important or essential thing.
2. A decisive state of circumstances.
3. The important or essential thing.
A woman of understanding might blow up with sufficient reason saying and doing things to make a valid point but she always tries to get to the point of mutual understanding and respect. She is not spiteful and never seeks to destroy anyone, she knows her worth and doesn't need to fight for anyone's attention or affection, that's pointless.
He said he'd made a mistake, she understood and although hurt she accepted it and was ready to move on with her life hoping for mutual respect so she didn't get the point of him trying to make her jealous or mocking her followed by them stalking and harassing her causing her distress.
She doesn't bother anyone. He said repeatedly 'he has his own life' and 'a disease' that most men have. She understood, appreciated his honesty and respected his decision by leaving him alone. She therefore, for the life of her, cannot see the point of them monitoring every aspect of her life.
What is the point of this? By your disrespect and utter disregard for her feelings you are trying to destroy her! You didn't want her, wasn't that the whole POINT of everything you said and did? She listened to you, respected and understood you even after you hurt her, did you do the same for her?
He said he'd made a mistake, she understood and although hurt she accepted it and was ready to move on with her life hoping for mutual respect so she didn't get the point of him trying to make her jealous or mocking her followed by them stalking and harassing her causing her distress.
She doesn't bother anyone. He said repeatedly 'he has his own life' and 'a disease' that most men have. She understood, appreciated his honesty and respected his decision by leaving him alone. She therefore, for the life of her, cannot see the point of them monitoring every aspect of her life.
What is the point of this? By your disrespect and utter disregard for her feelings you are trying to destroy her! You didn't want her, wasn't that the whole POINT of everything you said and did? She listened to you, respected and understood you even after you hurt her, did you do the same for her?
by Goddess12* December 22, 2013
The act of giving up ones own happiness for the sake of others who may or may not be worth it or appreciate it, often the latter. Those who are ignorant of true love and are selfish, often exhibit negative emotions such as jealousy, envy, revenge, hate, anger, resentment and cannot see the sacrifice/s one has made. Those who make sacrifices usually love intensely and unconditionally and are very forgiving. They seek to understand and are considerate of others first and will do everything to show those who might also be their worst enemies, that they love them no matter what and that they have forgiven them in the hope of maintaining a close relationship with them often sacrificing the happiness they shared with someone else by giving that person up and letting that person go. While commendable and admirable, sacrifice can lead to self destruction as one is neglecting him/herself causing inner conflict which can lead to trauma exhibited by confusing, strange, irritable, ill-tempered, rebellious behavior. Sacrifice does not work to change the mass, particularly those who are selfish and controlling. One should aim for balance and compromise in ones life and in their relationships and demand mutual respect always.
Ya oustez (Sir/Teacher): I can never be with you again, I made a mistake.
Ana: I understand the sacrifice you must make and respect your decision. I love you and wish you only happiness, peace, love and success in your life.
Ya oustez calls Ana a few times, is nice, is not nice, is strange, is confused and is confusing her.
Ana calls him but is made to feel like she is bothering him.
Ana: Your being confused continues to confuse and hurt me. I will never bother you again.
Ana: I understand the sacrifice you must make and respect your decision. I love you and wish you only happiness, peace, love and success in your life.
Ya oustez calls Ana a few times, is nice, is not nice, is strange, is confused and is confusing her.
Ana calls him but is made to feel like she is bothering him.
Ana: Your being confused continues to confuse and hurt me. I will never bother you again.
by Goddess12* December 11, 2013
For some people love turns to hate, those are the ones who seek to destroy the other. For others, it much much worse, you become dead to them...non existent. They never think or concern themselves with you anymore, all of the emotions they once felt are now completely dead. Every memory they had of time shared with you is...erased, to make room for new better, more positive, lasting memories to replace.
by Goddess12* December 22, 2013
When someone believes something to be the exact opposite of what it actually is. Such as when someone believes that someone whom they stalk and harass both in person and in cyberspace, thinks only about him/her and misses him/her and loves and longs to be with him/her when in actuality they don't think anything other than you are a pathetic creep/jerk with no life who obviously has a lot to learn in the way of making and maintaining healthy relationships. These are often the same conceited creeps who make futile attempts to make the object of their obsession jealous because they are too ignorant to realize that people are not all like them and that people who are secure with themselves do not get jealous and see their actions as really really lame and pathetic.
ALL those men from El Minya are DELUSIONAL especially HeisamledbA, KalaM, RemA and the list goes on.
by Goddess12* December 18, 2013
1. Someone who is used or manipulated to further another person's purposes.
2. Person who is a fool.
3. Piece in the game of Chess of lowest value compared to the King of highest value.
2. Person who is a fool.
3. Piece in the game of Chess of lowest value compared to the King of highest value.
by Goddess12* December 27, 2013