An emotocon meaning "im coming over to eat your pussy"

The winky face is important because you always need to keep one eye open
Boy: your clothes are so pretty
Girl: aw thanks :)
Boy: but i bet you'd look prettier without them ;)
Girl: oh yeah? well why don't you find out
Boy: ok ;p>
by AppleJuiceDeity June 13, 2012
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An emoticon showing a tongue protruding from one's face. This can often be disrespectful, or simply a way of being cute.
by PJC October 2, 2002
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kirby,with a gun
used in online games,to express someone wish to shoot someone else.
person 1 :you still mad at me?

person 2 :(>-.-)>p=' -
by mystiko June 26, 2008
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A shorter version of <3 /p, making an accidental tyop for the first time, but later landing an important role in conversation. This is a heart, but with a platonic tone tag, generally used with close friends to signify a platonic love.
I love you bestie <p /p
<p you too dude
by You'reReadingThisPseudonym March 26, 2022
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1. Used to indicate if one has made a joke.

2. Used to punctuate the act of doing something silly or stupid.
"Jeez, I just emailed the wrong person! :P"

"Dude, that Geo he drives is smokin' hot! :P"
by Durienne October 29, 2007
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This is a variant of :P, adding the wink to denote sly humor in sticking the tongue out. The combination produces the effect of not taking one's self seriously in a sort of facetious playfulness. This may either be used to qualify a statement or ascribe the character of a comment.
(qualifying a statement):

viscera: my friends left the room for a couple parts
Shadow: haha, and you didnt?
viscera: I'm not as queezy as them ;p

Shadow: I need to get a job =(
viscera: just go smelt iron with Rob ;p

(ascribing meaning): That's just like...your ;p
by Viscerae March 17, 2007
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