The act of having sex with a sloppy drunk girl and she passes out before you finish. You give her a facial, wipe the evidence from her face with a piece of bread and stick it in her mouth. When she awake with a hangover, by default she will eat the remains of the Manwich Meal.
This chick cheated me out of a decent lay, so I gave her a Manwich Meal to remember me by.
by Hoe Chi Man November 3, 2011
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a sandwich made by a woman that is given to a man after he has sex with her
Person 1: Dude, did you hear he had sex with her?

Person 2: Yeah I also heard he got a manwich!
by Coginme_Azle May 17, 2010
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A table at which you eat manwich, play board games, and put innocent young children in chokeholds, often resulting in them kicking your knees.
Y’all wanna go sit at the manwich table?
by manwich enthusiast May 29, 2020
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Having a big, thick piece of man-meat; a huge penis.
I am so sore from last night! Jaacee tore my pussy up with that big Can of Manwich.
by jaacee August 22, 2006
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when you shove your hand up your ass, then shove a sandwich in a fat black girls mouth, then you put your fist full of feces in her mouth making her puke.then you eat her puke
I gave my girlfriends mom a Dirty Manwich last night.
by matt ager February 8, 2009
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A loyal, Jason Biggs look alike, and trombone playing webmaster.
Our beloved manwich arrived casually into the meeting as embarrassment awaited him.
by JMash March 18, 2005
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1). The act of shitting in someone's mouth, then punching them until all of their teeth are gone, shitting in their mouth again if they spit at any point.

2). The resulting blood, feces, and tooth mixture.
Ron wouldn't stop bitchin' about how shitty my toilet wine tasted, so I gave that bitch a Prison Manwich, so he'd have something to compare it to.
by Juan Inormo Is'Dique December 4, 2013
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