The act of taking a funny joke or meme and repeatedly making it less and less funny until it gets to the point where it no longer has any comedic value. The term comes from the word "jackhammer" which is a tool commonly used by construction workers to drill into the ground at a rapid pace. Jackhammering usually occurs with mainstream memes and jokes that become less funny when said mainstream starts to put their own twist on it. The joke loses all its luster after that.
"Dude, did you see youtube rewind?"
"Yeah dude, they were jackhammering the Shooting Stars meme! Remember when that used to be funny?"
"Yeah I know dude."
by UltraSpace January 15, 2018
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when you do a chick.. or if ur a FAGGOT in the ass really hard and you move to all of these new positions while still in her ass hole and pound in and out really hard and very fast
damn that chick was so fucking tired after just 5 minutes of me jackhammering her
by Pdizzle February 8, 2004
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fucking a female/male in the ass violently while thrusting downward in a jackhammer motion. (boxing gloves are a must need for this strategy) As doing so... You aggressively strike your opponent in the kidneys until she/he spills human waste onto your penis. Once you are finished you stare into your opponents eyes and scream "ALL HAIL HITLER"
Guy 1: Bro you smell like ass!
Guy2: I just finished a bitch off with a German Jackhammer!
Guy1: Dude gnarly!!
by Pelvic Fuck Fest May 15, 2015
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A weapon created when a person shoves their turd into a sock and swings it as hard as possible and hits his enemy to their eventual demise. The harder/drier the turd, the tougher the Jackhammer. Another reason Tallahassee is known for its infamous nickname of "Tallanasty" and we can't have nice things in this dump of a town.
Randy pooped in his sock to make a Tallahassee Jackhammer and hit Steve in the head, causing a concussion.
by watermelawn March 17, 2017
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An extremely rough and vigorous hand job performed by your partner that is akin to a jackhammer like hand action. The element that makes it spicy is receiving this highly pleasurable act while watching a Sean Spicer press conference which adds to the anger filled intensity and roughnes and absolute pounding of both the cock and balls with every full stroke.
My grapes are so swollen and sore today braaahhh. I can hardly walk.

What gives?

Carmen and I were watching the recent press conference and the handy she was giving me turned into a spicy jackhammer. I don't agree with the policies but man that was hell of a hand job.
by Eaton Holgoode March 1, 2017
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The act of preforming the jackhammer from behind while a girl is puking her guts out in the toilet after a hard night of drinking. The contractions of the naughty muscles during a heave must be a delight to be experienced. Always hold her hair out of her face and rub her back (two-ball compound optional) for extra points and to show her that you really did care!
Guy #1 "Dude, I picked up that cum dumpster at the bar last night and got a puking jackhammer!"
Guy #2 "No shit?" "How was it?"
Guy #1 "My unit is shaped like a peanut today!"
by frainslug February 2, 2006
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Occurs when a female thrusts her pelvis forcefully and repeatedly into the face of someone performing cunnilingus on her, causing rapid collisions of her pubic bone and the muff diver's face (and thus crudely emulating a jackhammer). These violent collisions may result in bruising of the victim's face and, in particularly violent cases, broken bones. The Albuquerque jackhammer usually occurs inadvertently as a result of extreme ecstasy felt by the female, and in such cases she is either unaware of the violent motions she is carrying out or aware of them but unable to stop or control them. In rare cases an Albuquerque jackhammer may be carried out intentionally by a woman, usually to seek revenge on an ex-lover whom she has seduced into performing cunnilingus on her under the false pretense that they have become fuck buddies. In such cases of revenge, the female will usually trap the unsuspecting victim in a headlock with her thighs, so as to enable a merciless rain of blows upon his face without him escaping.
"Jesus, John! Your face is so horribly bruised! What happened?"

"Well, I saw Sarah last night at a bar, and she came up to me and said she still had feelings for me and wanted to be fuck buddies. Naturally, I obliged, and the next thing I know she has me in a headlock with her thighs giving me an Albuquerque jackhammer! I was in the ER all night."

"Good God, man."
by corsendonk September 21, 2009
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