A famous TikTok star that everyone talks about
Jack: “Omg, is that Teagan?”
Josh: “I think it is!”
by your_fav_teagan on TikTok December 10, 2019
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Teagan is a fucking idiot who loves sucking dick. He sucks at least one dick a day, and eats only cum and drinks only piss. He loves that sweet salty golden piss.
by 101b678 February 10, 2015
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A pale guy who is bisexual and loves all Jayden around he will smash. He also loves sommers who are great in bed. Teagans are also the best in bed. And frequently masturbate to porn.
Random person: I think that is a teagan cause he likes Sommer and like to smash Jayden and is very pale and is bisexual
by dev ooff gang January 18, 2019
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Teagan is an amazing boy name. He is a good comic, super nerdy, really cool. Guys if you know a Teagan become friends with him immediately. Gals if you know a Teagan get a date with him immediately or you will miss a great opportunity. This kid is amazing.
Kid 1: I need help.
Teagan: I'll help you Jim.
by click man 32 January 17, 2018
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Teagan is a selfish little brat. She is overy weight and is stupid. She is crazy and doesn't have any friends. She also likes to eat a lot
Teagan is VERY VERY overweight
by IIIIIIIJIIMIMIIII October 18, 2017
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fucking loser
why would you ever want to date a Teagan

most people do
my name is Teagan and I don't like me
"that kid Is loser"
"no wonder his name is Teagan"
by thick boy from canada May 16, 2019
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