When old women tuck their boobs into their belts because they swang too much when they run
Look at grandma, she be swangin like a mofo

I hope i dont hanve to swang my boobs like dat
by Kurita Sintamonitano June 19, 2008
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when you are fucking a guy or a girl up the ass, and then you pull out your shit covered dick, and write (in shit) 'S' on their back.
Once done, you then yell "You just got swanged" or "Swang Bitch"
guy: Dude, I totally swanged Scraz last night, but she yelled out 'Swang Bitch'
by logieb34r March 6, 2009
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An alternate word for the phrase "butt-fucked." Usually used instead of the spoken phrase, to avoid parental interferrance in a conversation. Like other slang terms, it's highly versitle.

Diction Rules also apply to this word; "Swung"

"Man, you gon' let that foo swang you?"

"You got verbally swung homie!"

"How you gon' swang like dat?"
by Dreco November 24, 2005
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an alcoholic beverage that will fuck you up (hard liquor)
hey ben, pass that swang potion
by sillyrabbit92 July 30, 2009
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The length that one’s balls hang down below their taint. This measurement provides the maximum distance ones scrotum could swing in any given direction. Measured to lowest hanging ball.
You talking mad shit for someone in my swang radius.
by Dr. Brain Hanger September 22, 2020
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This means when your in your slab and your rims are 83z or 84z and you swang your big gm classic car from left to right these rims are usually wrapped with vogues
Swang on 4s with me cause I like it oh swang on 4s with me z-ro
by still walkin October 26, 2008
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Enjoyable sex between two consenting parties
John and Sarah were bored so they did a little swing swang
by Matty App July 25, 2015
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