A helmet / knob /bellend that is slimy due to the production of seamen/jizz/cum
"Megan has an amazing body when i fist layed eyes on her i got a slimy helmet"
by hepatitis Dee February 23, 2017
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When a man and a woman have just gotten out of the pool and they decide to have sex but his dick got wet in the pool so it is slimy
When we were at the rich kid's pool skinny dipping we were going to fuck on their patio table but he had a slimy potato so he fingered me with a pickle instead.
by Halfway43 April 7, 2015
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A used car salesman, who spends most of his time in dirty, old, stinky cars. Being in such a hot environment makes the used car salesman very sweaty, but more importantly, slimy. Hence the name Slimy Brent
I have a disgusting story to tell you, Chealsea

What is that, Brenda?
Well, I went to buy a Nissan Micra from a used car lot
K lol
Well, I went there and saw such a Slimy Brent!
Well, that was 2 be expected lol
Shut up, Chels
by Pilky01 July 1, 2016
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Whilst someone is sleeping, you overpower their body, and tie down all four limbs. You then proceed to poop in the mouth and duct tape it shut, forcing them to consume the feces.
Bro, I am totally gonna “slimy bob” Noah tonight.
by TheSlimyBobPro February 16, 2019
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the act of exploding with diarrhea in the middle of intercourse
One guy: did you hear about uriah hanging out with that one drunk bitch when he had diarrhea?

Another guy: Yeah he totally gave her a SLIMY JERRY.
by J0hn D0e 325420 April 13, 2010
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Slimy Butt is when you can definately feel some moisture collecting in the butt crack, more specifically concentrated around the anus. Slimy Butt is most often caused by a poor job of wiping the butt after a poop. Slimy Butt often leads to Itchy Anus if not attended to.
Johnny-Boy: Aaahhh man, i had such a bad case of slimy butt i had to go wipe myself clean.

Todd: Good work Johnny-Boy, do you feel any better?

Johnny-Boy: You bet! I can finally walk around without an odd sensation in my crack.
by Androu March 11, 2008
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A homo sexual drinking game. Like the game 'soggy biscuit', players must cum into a pint of beer, lager Etc. and the last one to cum has to down the pint.
Shawn: heya billy, wanna play Slimy Pint with me, Joel and alan?

Billy: umm no thanks, i'm happy watch lesbian porn.
by goody666 March 15, 2009
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