Very happy while drunk or under the influence of drugs. Usually to a large extent. Unable to think correctly, move correctly, or act normaly but remaining extremely happy, even to the point of actually skipping
Damn, Travis is always skipping everytime I see him.

We were skipping hard last night!

You down to skip tonight?
by SomeoneExtremelyImportant July 20, 2011
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a prance like movement most prefered by nerdy folk
She skips to calculus class everyday.
by kelsey the great May 25, 2004
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1. To hop with one leg foreward, alternating the foreward leg between hops.
2. To be a pervert, to become one, or to make something perverted.
3. To ditch, leave, or flee from.

1. A pervert.
2. A perverted act, jesture, or verbaige
3. A derogatory term for a person of Anglo-Australian decent.
1. "I skipped around the block!"
2. "Dude! Don't skip what I say!"
3. "I skipped science yesterday, and my mom grounded me for a week!"

1. "Ugh! John is such a skip!"
2. "Dude, did she just skip you?"
3. "Don't talk to me, you fuckin' poofta skip!"
by Kelly "Mitsune" April 30, 2006
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Twat who posts on F365 and runs his own posse which consists of himself and the Bristol Chav Jonathan.
by Keano's January 25, 2005
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a word to use whenever you fucking feel like it.
"Go skip yourself," or "that's so skip," or "he beat the skip out of her," or "did you see that dude, he is soo skip," or "skiiiiiiip."
by bryan skippers June 13, 2017
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Trent might be a skip because I've never seen him in a relationship.
by acets December 22, 2011
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i'd skip her
by gordieb November 21, 2003
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