when you grab your left foot with your rite hand and pull back , with the other leg pointing to the ground , then take the leg pointing to the ground thru the loop made in with your leg and hand (kinda like a russian boneless )

(actually its the same thing as a russian boneless but with a cooler name)

can be done on a trampolineboard or pogo stick(stall).
i pulled of a shifty shifty when i got double bounced and got 1 minute of airtime
by matt parrish September 5, 2004
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The uncontrollable feeling of constant discomfort, triggering a necessity for constant motion. Usually encountered during the morning after a night of drinking. The Shiftys are not a hangover, though they sometimes are a symptom of morning-after Still-Drunk.

Also caused by crashing after copious amounts of caffeine.
Dude, I'm getting the Shiftys while driving, this is bad.

I have to keep moving, I have the Shiftys.

I don't care if you have the Shiftys, you can't hang your legs out the window of my car!
by hellyes0 April 28, 2008
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an urban poet; shifty willis represents the misunderstood. everyone has a shifty willis inside of them.

the real shifty willis wanders the streets of rotto, as an old quokka. just keep an eye on your luggage and bikes when he might be around
holy shit is that shifty willis?!
by shifty willis enthusiast 69 December 13, 2022
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When your a chub on the court but your one of the better faster players
Guy 1: Damn that guys fat
Guy 2: Naw Man he's shifty af
Guy 3: Ya he's got shifty chubs
by David Pedatella May 16, 2016
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A guy who pretends to be a movie producer to lure young girls onto the "casting couch"
The Shifty Schwartz put out an ad for "actresses" in the local newspapaer ad.
by nastynaterack July 10, 2009
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(n) A homosexual man.

One who takes all their meat in via the back door.
That Graham Norton's a right old shifty butcher.
by Anthony Storey September 20, 2007
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