A phrase trademarked by the wonderful southern style cooking channel "Stove Top Kisses". The phrase is relating to something so darn good that you can't help but say it's "sopped up".
"Is it Sopped Up in there?" "HEY! That ain't Sopped Up!"
by L8rG8r_9000 October 31, 2020
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1: A dripping wet vagina. Usually results from impure thoughts about penis or other chicks vags. Can also result from a loving touch every now and again.
Ashleigh has a sopping snatch.
by Roy Sanchez August 3, 2006
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A group of people who think they are better than everyone, but the actually SUCK ON PENIS. That explains Sop.
"Dude that weird Feez kid, Louis Grote, and Swinnen are in Sop nation. Total fags!"

"Sop nation rapes 8th graders."

"Fuck sop nation."
by 5thWolf July 17, 2012
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When you've crapped your pants and your bottom becomes soggy.
I can't go out tonight because I have bottom sop.
by Pan Drippings Unite March 31, 2017
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Sex On Plater - Acronym refering to an extremely attractive woman who without a doubt engages in sexual intercourse; most used in refference to attractive women who have children (moms) mainly due to the fact that because they have kids, one can conclude they have sex.
guy1: Man, that chick is hott!
guy2: dude, shes got her kids with her.
guy1: what a S.O.P!
by logan January 20, 2005
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Southern slang
1. dry your tears and man up. see suck it up, cowboy up, cheer up.
2. a not so tactful way of saying no use crying over spilled milk
3. what you say when you see a hot chick, usually having "with a biscuit" on the end. comes from the fact that ladies tend to produce moisture in certain areas when they are aroused. strange that it's used this way, because usually the hot chick is not aroused at all, and is in fact turned off completely by your ugly mug.
1. Sop it up; let's go!
2. So you made a mistake. Sop it up.
3. person 1: Hey check out that chick.
person 2: Whoa, sop it up with a biscuit!
by fizzle April 2, 2004
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