A plan destined for failure.

A plan that, no matter how well it is devised, no matter how foolproof it seems, will always blow up in your face.
Mike: "Hey, I think I know how to get more money over the summer."
Greg: "Oh great...Is it another Starscream Scheme?"
Mike: "No, no, this one's different. All we have to do is drive some people from Mexico to Houston!"
by owenbicker May 29, 2012
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(n) A fiscal scheme of a central government where the lack of fiscal responsibility leads to massive deficits funded by debt that can not be repaid with revenues collected. As the scheme becomes riskier to creditors, they demand higher interest rates on incremental debt. This forces the central government to avoid issuing more debt in favor of simply printing its own currency (i.e., quantitative easing) to continue its endless, irresponsible borrow-and-spend policy. Ultimately, the reckless spending policy and printing of currency leads to crippling inflation and insurmountable debt being passed on to future generations in an immoral 'we enjoy now, you pay later' massive heist.
The US government (specifically Congress) in coordination with the Federal Reserve have been running a quanzi scheme since the Federal Reserve's inception amassing to-date $15.4 trillion in national debt and $117.8 trillion in unfunded liabilities.
by CO_Soothsayer March 2, 2012
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Someone in the uk who lives in a council housing scheme, these people are usually jobless and have countless children. They spend most of there day watching Jeremy Kyle or walking to the shops for cheap cider and lager usually wearing pyjamas and fake ugg boots.
I met a girl on Saturday night but I have been deliberately missing her calls because she's nothing but a scheme rat.

That scumbag Stevie is nothing but a scheme rat he spends his days drinking cider and smoking weed
by Djc2508 January 23, 2014
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Any form of business proposal in which one pays a fee to begin, and rises up in a pyramid-like form, being given money by people under the original payer. Usually considered a hoax.

See also: wordChain letter/word
That's a pyramid scheme! Don't fall for it!
by Falconrath October 24, 2003
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A person, (who usually has an accomplice), that thinks of devious and scandalous plans time and time again sometimes with the intent to hurt.
Jay-Z cheated on Beyonce with Rhianna. So Beyonce and Kelly Rowland schemed up a plan to catch Jay in the act. Kelly and Beyonce repeatedly do this to Jay with any other female he speaks to which makes them scheme artists.
by Kaitlin the G and Kara Lael January 3, 2008
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A lot of people lost their life savings in a Madoff Scheme. Too bad they didn't do their due diligence before handing over their money.
by kajoe June 29, 2009
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1) A phrase used by idiots for any type of scam.

2) A specific type of scam. The operator (often from nigeria) of the scam promises "investors" that their money will be doubled in a certain number of days. The operator depends on the money provided by later investors to pay off his obligations to the earlier investors. This turns out splendidly for the early investors (assuming that it takes off), but later investors get the short end of the stick, as no more people are enrolling. At this point, the operator usually takes the money he has left and runs. This generally sucks for the later investors. Not that I care, because you have to be a total dumbass to enroll in a ponzi scheme anyhow.
1) Bill: these people are trying to make me think I can get a free iPod for answering a survey. Looks like a ponzi scheme to me.
Me: Bill, you dumbass. That's not a ponzi scheme.

2) Just great. I just got another one of those get-rich-quick spams. I'm amazed that anyone buys into ponzi schemes.
by gmx December 17, 2004
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