A great looking guy that people say they hate but secretly wanna be his best friend and he doesn't like people to know it up he has a big dick
1. I saw this Rocky at the club
by Mangirl227 November 15, 2016
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When you punch your hoe in the uterus.
I didn't want no kids so I gave my bitch a the Rocky.
by Morejo December 5, 2015
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When your girlfriend is pissing you off so you play "eye of the tiger" and punch her whilst hitting from behind. Rarely used.
"My girlfriend was being a bitch yesterday, so I gave her The Rocky"
by Roaderz August 28, 2017
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To slow down team members who are working hard. i.e. dragging a rock.
We would have been done with this project sooner if we hadnt been rockied.
by MayFlower69 May 18, 2011
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An amazing friend, gives unconditional love. Selfless, caring, loving , hilarious.A really hot chick, who will rock your world in the bedroom. She gives great head, but only does it on a rare occasion.
"Rocki is the funniest person ever"

"That is such a Rocki thing to say"
by Shaniquaman February 3, 2010
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Kickass baseball team from Denver, Colorado. Set the most double plays in a post game series, 14. Have created a new month of the year called ROCKTOBER. Swept the Diamondbacks to win the National League Championships. Won the longest one game tiebreaker in major league history against the Padres. As of Rocktober 23, 2007 they are 21 for 22 games. They have the longest playoff streak in baseball history. They have the least errors in baseball history.
Note: All facts listed are for the 2007 Season and players listed below are not in any specific order.

Players of the rockies:
41 Jeremy Affeldt
35 Taylor Buchholz
60 Manny Corpas
37 Josh Fogg
26 Jeff Francis
40 Brian Fuentes
32 LaTroy Hawkins
34 Matt Herges
38 Ubaldo Jimenez
56 Franklin Morales
23 Ryan Speier
20 Chris Iannetta
8 Yorvit Torrealba
27 Garrett Atkins
1 Jamey Carroll
17 Todd Helton
7 Kazuo Matsui
2 Troy Tulowitzki
10 Jeff Baker
11 Brad Hawpe
5 Matt Holliday
12 Seth Smith
19 Ryan Spilborghs
18 Cory Sullivan
3 Willy Taveras
by Boots.1991 October 23, 2007
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No problem.

When following the abbreviation ASAP it distinguishes whether that abbreviation referred to the abbreviation over the rapper.
Can you bring over my car ASAP no rocky?

No rocky man. I’ll bring it over now.
by Bronze enthusiast February 12, 2018
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