The most caring guy on this planet,understanding,sexy curly hair and just enough hair on his chest,always there for you,smarter then he gives himself credit for,the bestest cook i know,wants to only make you smile,says the sweetest things and actually means it,when he promises forever and a day count on him to take your breath away,my love,my everything,Ray.
by eraddd December 2, 2010
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Is dominic’s middle name ray Requires a dirty Kristina a dirty amara and a dirty alessia simultaneously in a four way trifecta don’t be mad if dominic is having sex at work he could be doing worse things while trying to ge the job done
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Ray is a man with a Big ass dick he likes receiving oral and giving anal and he is really cool and likes to cum alot he is irresistible to the opposite sex
by December 19, 2019
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A short black child who slaps people with his viola
OW Ray, stop hitting me with your viola
by Cwayden Danon November 4, 2019
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Weed or a drug you smoke
wiz khalifa says "got ray ? roll it then"
by That 412 Kid January 28, 2008
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Ray, or Fang Ray Shin, is the main character in a Taiwanese video game called Detention, which takes place in Taiwan in the 1960s during the White Terror. She was an amazing student at Greenwood High but developed depression due to her parents having issues. She then starts counseling with Chang Min Hui and is in a brief romantic relationship with him, until she overheard a conversation of her teacher, Miss Yin and her counselor about how Ray could be in danger because of a book club they're in, and takes it as her teacher taking him away from her. Her mistakes of reporting her teacher to Instructor Bai led to the execution of Ray's counselor and the imprisonments of other students, including a boy named Wei Chung Ting, whom the player of the game first plays as. Ray then killed herself due to being bullied by other students and feeling the guilt from what she did. Her soul is then stuck in limbo until she learns to acknowledge her actions and guilt, or else she will be stuck in the cycle of purgatory.
Don't be a snitch like Ray, even though she is cute.
by tofunicorn June 14, 2020
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Ray is a perfect mf, he is a hardworking, kind, gentle, handsome, beautiful, caring and everything else you can ask in a man. You better treat him right, because he will do anything for the one he loves. Don't you dare say anything bad about him!!!!! Because Faiza will kill you:)
Hey what do you think of ray
"He is a perfect man, you're so lucky to have him. Don't u dare to lose him, you better treat him right"
by I will merry ray December 14, 2021
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