Range from boxer shorts to briefs to thongs/g-strings. Worn and enjoyed by both sexes.

Often used to keep the ankles warm.
There's nothing wrong with my panties, but I don't wear hip-huggers and show off my underwear!
by Lorelili March 25, 2005
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A word used by mainly heterosexual men who rarely interface with actual women to describe what are otherwise known by the world at large as underwear. Women who use this term are often victims of their own internalized oppression. Panties, employing the diminutive of pants as it were, implies that women are not deserving of actual pants but doomed to spend their lives wearing tiny little pants underneath their otherwise suggestive and infantilizing clothing. Go read a book, suck your own dick, and stop calling women's underwear panties. Who knows, you might actually get laid by someone who is not a victim of the patriarchy's sartorial Stockholm syndrome.
Random dude while making out: whispers Take off your panties.

Woman: Annnnnnnnnnd I'm gonna go.
by wordchausensyndrome February 28, 2019
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Boy: -ahem-
Girl: fine -takes off her panties-
Boy: ;D
by cookingpig November 28, 2011
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A fag. Especially when told to do something and they say no.
Simon- Come cruise wit us Koa, we can get all the chicks and then smoke some batu later.
Koa- Nah I dont do drugs.
Simon- You Fucking Panty!
by Kailua boy January 31, 2004
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the perverts term for knickers.. or bloomers.
"that 2 year olds wearing some nice panties" remarked paul to pete
by Nana March 27, 2005
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an extremely lame, jerky guy that wears tight pants and no underwear.
No Panties- "make yourself useful and make me a sandwich."
Kitty Kat- "do it yourself, you're a big boy."
No Panties- "lame."
Kitty Kat- " : / thanks."
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The state of being awesome, exemplary, terrific, or highly favorable.
The dental professor's presentation on the benefits of oral hygiene was totally panties.

I just had the best sirloin steak of my life the other day--it was straight panties!
by The Never Ending Penis May 14, 2011
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