short for the little cigars called prime times
by gotadeep November 3, 2006
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1. My little brother isn't PTed yet.
2. Maliga is a PT, she had sex with Erigano!
by Alexi August 31, 2003
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Pure Trash (Can be used literally or used when you just dont like something)
That man with one gold tooth and the tye dye wolf shirt is so PT.

by uncle maury August 8, 2008
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Playing Time
- that is, the amount of time alotted for you to throw it in the butt.
Dude, I got no PT last night.
by AzeriKlepto April 4, 2004
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An abbreviation for the real English word "party" that is commonly used in massively-multiplayer online role-playing games such as Final Fantasy XI in which forming a party is an almost essential task to powering up a character. This reality, of course, causes the majority of the population to halfass the word into a simple abbreviation because he/she/it is too lazy to type out three extra letters.

lolz i got teh awflezt PT lst nite tey got teh BST 2 pull 4 us it sux
by The Rogue Taru March 28, 2005
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poppy tea - tea made by grinding the heads of opium poppy pods or rather authentic papaver somniferum poppy pods into a fine dust (after removing the stems, the seeds and the knob), scalding the fine powder (eg pouring water that is boiling over the powder rather than actually boiling the powder in the water since this removes the opiate alkaloids one is trying to bring out of the mixture for imbibing), steeping the mixture (allowing it to sit for as little as five minutes to as long as overnight - but 15 minutes or until mixture reaches room temperature is the middle ground), straining the mixture through a fine mesh strainer (coffee filters, socks or espresso not recommended as the clear liquid method seem to be missing crucial alkaloid content) so that at least some of the pulp goes through but not so much that there is none left for a repeat of the above process. PT can be stored overnight but by day 2 of storage it is much weaker and by day 3, nothing is left to it. Pre-made tea does not keep well. The most preparation that can be done ahead of time is to grind the poppy pod powder so that you can simply scoop out the necessary amount for the process. Another alternative is to grind the required number of pods and using a funnel, put this into small plastic bags so that individual doses are created. Ground but well sealed powder lasts as well, if not better, than pods stored in open air even in a climate controlled environment. For grinding, buy a cheap ($10 at your neighborhood superstore) coffee grinder. Save not only your 1 to 3" of stems but also the seeds. See stem tea and poppy seed tea or better yet, search erowid for this information. Lastly, regarding opiate potentiators, these add nothing to the desired result other than possible nausea and disgust.
I drink pt daily since it is much better and lasts much longer than the super expensive and hard to get pharmaceutical opiates.
by t-alias May 30, 2007
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Party Time

Used to define when it is time to start partying
alright break out the bud its PT
by StevieG March 3, 2005
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