The beautiful spanish word for monkey.
Mona means monkey in spanish!!!!
If your name is Ramona in if you would transalate it into english it would be Ramonkey
by Nuna123456789 November 20, 2009
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Mona is... Interesting to say the least, she can be annoying at times, but only because she is socially awkward. Mona cares alot... About what others think of her. She is very sensitive, and has terrible mental health, to no fault of her own. But seriously, she is super nice, and a great friend, even though she isn't good at keeping secrets. (Trust me never tell her anything)
Howdy there is that Homer's mom?
Yeah that's mona.
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Mona is a character who deserves better and should not be slandered >:(
Ew I got mona!!
by bob the bird May 21, 2021
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The first female singer of the twenty-first century who sounds good. She's basically who Lady Gaga tries to be. She sings a variety of music that generally falls into the R&B category. Her debut studio album, The ArchAndroid, was released in May 2010.
I like Janelle Monae because of her lyrics and music.
The ArchAndroid is awesome!
by Malchus Aurelius October 25, 2010
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A girl of unsurpassed beauty and charm who, like the work of art of her namesake, has a stamp of "do not touch."
She's positively gorgeous, but doesn't date: a regular Mona Lisa.
by iantheman September 20, 2007
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The Mona Lisa is most famous painting ever. It is famous for it’s smile. (IT’S JUST A BASIC SMILE BRO) Leonardo Da Vinci painted the painting. It took him many years to finish it. It is now in the Louvre Museum. It cost US$100 million. That’s a lot!
Teacher: Mike! What is the Mona Lisa?

Mike: It’s a painting, miss!

Teacher: By who?

Mike: I don’t know, because the Mona Lisa is a self-portrait. Da Vinci worked on it, but the women in the painting helped Da Vinci painted it. So I can’t tell you.

Teacher: ...
by WhoHatesHandlesThatAlreadyUsed February 15, 2021
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A persian girl that has lots of emotional problems and gets nasty to people that had cared for her when she was down. She easily forgets others kindness. A girl that has a nasty inside.

God help those who fall for her.
Daymn, don't be a Mona.
That bitch Mona is nothing but a two face, rattle snake.
by iraji February 6, 2010
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