Da Vinci

The act of telling the truth through fiction.

Steven Colbert pulled a Da Vinci at the white house press dinner.
by Brad Spencer May 19, 2006
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Da Vinci

Vinci is a town in Tuscany, Italy, and the birthplace of the famous artist Leonardo da Vinci.

It is commonly thought of and used as Leonardo da Vinci's last name. However, Leonardo did not have a last name (as people didn't in those times) and it was simply used as a way of identifying the region where Leonardo came from to distinguish him from other Leonardos.

Knowledgeable/credible historians always refer to the artist as simply "Leonardo" or "Leonardo da Vinci" but never "Da Vinci".
Dan Brown, the author of "The Da Vinci Code", displays his ignorance by using the term "Da Vinci" in his book to refer to the famous artist, Leonardo da Vinci, as though it was his name.
by looseSpark May 29, 2006
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Da Vinci

When something is high in style or fashion.
gucchi hella bomb
For example: Did you see Britney's new handbag? So Da Vinci!
by Bree Lally February 12, 2015
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Da Vinci

"Do you know who Da Vinci is?"
"He's a fraud."
by Monal Isa November 29, 2020
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Da Vinci

"Aren't you meant to be a brunette? Was Da Vinci a fraud?"
by Monal Isa November 22, 2020
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Da Vinci

1. implies a conspiracy, like a conspiracy theorist. In reference to the book "The Da Vinci Code."

2. a reference to Leonardo da Vinci: scientist, inventor, and artist.

3. to hack or grok.
1. "I don't mean to start getting all Da Vinci..."

2. Da Vinci was a genius of the Enlightenment.

3. "I da vinci my muthafuken way through school."
by Delig November 23, 2005
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Da Vinci

n. informal reference to Leonardo da Vinci.
v. to hack or grok.
n 1. Da Vinci was a genius of the Enlightenment.
n 2. "I da vinci my muthafuken way through school."
by brusky April 15, 2005
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