a hot, cute croatian girl, who loves ice skatin for 1 special reason-(Tim)
marta-"men, i wish we could go ice skatin 2day, so i can c T**
by karla February 20, 2005
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Man, Marta is one fat ugly fuck
by poop April 6, 2005
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Make someone fall in love with you, then proceed to leave to another country once you have their heart.
*Brian* Max are you gonna go out with your girlfriend tonight?
*Max* *Crying* No! She pulled a quick Marta! She’s gone *More sobbing*
by TheeRealMarjorie January 24, 2018
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A woman of psychotic nature who likes to get nasty with any guy.
Dude 1: Yo bro, you got a date to the Christmas party?
Dude 2: Yea! I got me a dirty Marta.
Dude 1: Hell yea! you know she'd DTF! lucky!
by KD@WG December 4, 2015
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marta is a dumb bitch with flat ass and tits who has no life. she’s often very rude and aggressive
did you see marta today her outifit was so ugly
marta is such a bitch
by qazwsx April 20, 2020
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To pull a Marta means to leave someone on read for 10+ hours while leaving the other person in total dispair. The term had it's origin in a romantic context but is also commonly used among friends.
exemple of "to pull a Marta" in a conversation:
person 1: wow I'm so sorry, i overslept and forgot to reply to you...

person 2: yeah and you left me on read, you pulled a Marta on me, how dare you!
by rithasnoidea August 25, 2021
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