She's the most sweetest of friends, really adorable and caring to everyone. She's the shipper, {you cannot ship the shipper unless the shipper ships herself}. She can sometimes become a badass and is sometimes quick-tempered, proteccs all the pure people in the world and screenshots the hell out of you in voice chats.
by bEgOnEtHoT5577335511332244 October 30, 2018
A name so unique it can only belong to a special girl. She loves to have fun and live life to it's fullest. She is beautiful and loving, which draws the attention of many. However, she will always be loyal to the end. She dislikes it when people mispronounce her name, so dont!
by EDMJohn July 17, 2019
by Exciteddd July 31, 2021
she's a one in a million girl. the best girl you'll ever know. she's sweet like dulces, smart and caring like a lioness, and she makes your day like the sun shines. your day wont be complete if you talk to her and/or see her beauty. she possesses a beautiful smile, a chemical extract of perfection along with her amazing personality. and she's fun to be with. she's nice unlike other bitches you'll meet.
whenever you see her, you'd stop and pause because you wouldnt know what to do or say to her for you are mesmerized.
Her body is just a blessing from God down here to earth. she is bootylicious like when i saw her at the track. her soft lips and her soft skin.
one kiss and you'll know that you want to be with her. all problems would go away and you'd feel like in heaven. just you and her.
So as i lay I reminisce on the day that we met and how we have been since.
Please God never let me forget.
whenever you see her, you'd stop and pause because you wouldnt know what to do or say to her for you are mesmerized.
Her body is just a blessing from God down here to earth. she is bootylicious like when i saw her at the track. her soft lips and her soft skin.
one kiss and you'll know that you want to be with her. all problems would go away and you'd feel like in heaven. just you and her.
So as i lay I reminisce on the day that we met and how we have been since.
Please God never let me forget.
by bboycookie May 12, 2011
The best friend in the whole entire world and the most perfect person that could ever come into your life! The only person that can make you smile every time you think about them no matter what kind of mood you're in. Anyone who doesn't know a Marta should could get to know one because who knows, one day they could change your life :)
Person 1: Hey, do you know that Marta chick?
Person 2: Oh hell yeah I do! That's my best friend in the entire world!
Person 1: I wish I had a Marta...
Person 2: I bet you do, who doesn't? :)
Person 2: Oh hell yeah I do! That's my best friend in the entire world!
Person 1: I wish I had a Marta...
Person 2: I bet you do, who doesn't? :)
by mynameisnotalexis August 21, 2010
Marta has so many amazing qualities it is hard to know where to start, she is funny, kind, smart, beautiful, caring and overall the bestfriend, girlfriend, or wife anyone could ever wish for.... Some good words to describe Marta are: swag, silly, adorable, beautiful, boobielicious.
I'm so lucky to have Marta in my life
by Jacksonisme March 5, 2016
The most beautiful and intelligent girl in the world.
Can't get any awesomer than her.
Loving. Outstanding. Wonderful. Radiant. Yummy..
Can't get any awesomer than her.
Loving. Outstanding. Wonderful. Radiant. Yummy..
by Mister Purtle October 30, 2010