Free ham.

A paradox created for a hungry Jew by a generous miscreant.
Jewish Kryptonite! Now what do I do? Oy vey!
by Salacious August 10, 2007
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A negro repellent. This might include an activity that involves thought process (school, reading) or physical labour (picking cotton), or making some kind of personal sacrifice (paying child support). Also, any kind of music played loudly in the vicinity of yard apes that does not rely on a "jungle beat". i.e. heavy metal or country
"Jamal done flunked hiz ass outta histree class agayun'. Dem bookz beez pure nigger kryptonite 'n' sheeit."
by misterstinkypoopfacepants October 20, 2009
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Wild irish rose mixed with red bull, monster, and coca-cola. CHEAPEST DRUNK EVER. and you'll be FUCKED UP!!! As good a high as weed. Kind of a cheap ass yaeger bomb. Taste good too!!!

Created by three fucked up UNCG students
I'm fucked up on black kryptonite right now!
by John Lynch January 22, 2006
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Soap especially. Also other types of personal hygiene products.
You there, pass me the Irish Spring arabian kryptonite on a rope.
by kocknballs May 19, 2006
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It's a way of saying that something specific is your weakness. I.E. Stating that you can't help but love it, or that it's your biggest addiction.
Puppy videos are my kryptonite, I just can't get enough.
by Grimm Whiskey September 3, 2015
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To be in the vicinity or of sight of something that makes dick become powerless and limp. Superman loses all his powers near Kryptonite. His body and strength goes limp around it. Like superman, a dick in proximity or sight of dick kryptonite becomes powerless and weak.
Those girls have loads of dick kryptonite around their bellies, thighs and ass.
by A1bimmer May 12, 2023
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A meat containing dish that a vegetarian would consider eating. Typically, the person greatly enjoyed the dish before becoming a vegetarian, misses it, and would consider temporarily breaking their own rules to eat it.

The word vegetarian can be substituted with vegan to refer to vegans.
Hey John, do you want some pepperoni pizza rolls?
Oh, don't even kid, that's my vegetarian kryptonite.
by SharkeeTX November 21, 2007
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