A very stuck up little brat. she enjoys picking fun at Shakil and she likes to brag about many things. She'll say something mean as a joke, and will laugh with you about it. She can be nice, however, she can destroy youre reputation with a single click. DO NOT MESS WITH KRISTIAN
Get out of my face Kristian!
Get out of mine first5.
by sh4k1l April 10, 2019
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Gay, Un-smart, abnormally small penis
Thank god im not a Kristian
by Jonny 515 April 29, 2016
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A short, fat emo kid with brown hair and glasses that watches anime and plays League Of Legends
Person 1: Have you seen Kristian?
Person 2: Yeah, he always munches on crackers while watching anime
by dominoguy11 October 2, 2019
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A man / woman that is known to have a very small penis and destined to be a transsexual. One can only hope a Kristian doesn't follow this path.
he is so Kristian
by SHREKBOI696969 December 19, 2018
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A Kristian is a horrible boy, loves sluts.
Likes to pick fights with random boys out of jealousy and then never carry out with it.
Is half decent until he turns 16 or so.
Loves piercings and has them in odd places.
Loves like he came from the land of Arabian space monkeys.
Overall, he's indecent and not too good looking.
Steve; "Hey, Kristian said he'd meet me here for a fight today. You seen him?"

Charlie; "Yeah, he's hiding behind that ugly slut over there. I think he's backed down"
by xScenexForxYou October 7, 2010
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A very nice guy very friendly and sociable and isnt so bad once you get to know him. Hes extremely obsessed with anime and has 15 or more friends but 3 BEST buds hes proud to call his bros/broskis. He likes videogames and wishes to abolish school. Hes very smart and extremely talented but knows how to get into your head if he sees you as a threat.
He wants to become a hardware engineer and likes marvel. Did I mention he does professional swimming.
Person1: Did you see that guy Kristian over there
Person2: Yeah the anime nerd
Person3: Hes actually not so bad once you get to know him
Person4: I heard he has a fabulous di-
by Animekid999 January 31, 2022
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Kristian also known as king savage is a very sexy human. He owns everyone on earth. People also think he is a god and everyone bows down to him and everyone worships him. He is truly the best king in the world
Kristian (king savage) is my lord and savior
by December 8, 2020
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