Voice of god himself. All who hear it will immediately get a boner and will ascend to a higher level of intelligence. They will also be blessed with many good times and their guitars will stop gently weeping.
Intelligent person: "Have you heard John Lennon's Moan?"

Idiot: "What?"

Intelligent person: "You're going to rot in hell."
by Jessie Lennon March 26, 2018
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The most perfect nose ever to be on the face of a human. Often overlooked because of Ringo's large nose.

It is amazing.
Person: Wow! Look at that nose! It's amazing!
Me: That's John Lennon's Nose, isn't it beautiful?
by Mrs. Marilyn O' Boogie August 7, 2011
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December; he died on December 9 1980.
Honor John Lennon Month by doing nonviolent acts throughout the month of December.
by casty12 November 17, 2010
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john lennon her is to smack a girl and she leaves you and three months later u call her and ask her to take you back and she says yes
"did you john lennon her bad?"
by christhewicked May 6, 2009
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John lennon syndrome is when a dumbass thinks they’re concerned about peace and social issues and believe they are in touch with nature when in reality they just say the n word, smoke weed, throw a bunch of hindu and buddhist imagery together and call it “inner peace,” and don’t shower. You probably know a lot of these people.
That asshole over there with John Lennon Syndrome is really full of shit... why do people praise him?
by actual mermaid October 18, 2015
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A phrase one chants when experiencing blackouts after reading the famous novel "The Catcher in the Rye" by J. D. Salinger.
Butters: Kill John Lennon! KILL JOHN LENNON! Kill John Lennon! Kill John Lennon!
Butters: Hey, dad, where does John Lennon live?
Stephen: John Lennon's dead, Butters.
Butters: Aww, dangit!
by PNurBH June 7, 2022
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People who are angry at John Lennon, famous Beatles member.

Reasons for this hate might be anger at his (seemingly) liberal attitude to everything, his anti-establishmentism or just haters of his music. The reason is usually political though.

He was very much against religion which made a lot of people angry at him. Of course, this is hypocritical since he says he's so "liberal", yet he wants to force people to believe what he wants by removing religion.

Some people therefore are not angry at him for being against religion, or for his political beliefs, but for his hypocritical attitude to things
One of the John Lennon haters was Mark Chapman who shot him in 1980
by Dan1456 February 2, 2008
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