6 definitions by PNurBH

Funny meme featuring the title card of the level "Gnome Forest" from the awesome 2023 video game Pizza Tower. Used as an out of context reply to anything, be it funny, bullshit, etc.
"Funny" Example:
Person 1: I shit my pants
Person 2: Lario

"Bullshit" Example:
Bella1312<3: Ooh hehe i love my pet leech sucking on my blood my little angel <3
Sane person: Lario
by PNurBH March 1, 2023
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A number that "wholesome" asswipes will spam everywhere when you make a suicide joke. Google also shoves it in your face, too.

They'll also spam it when you are genuinely contemplating suicide to try and keep you from doing it, despite the fact that humanity probably has only 15-20 years left as a species so living through the next extinction event would be far more excruciatingly painful.

"Suicide is badass" - Frank Reynolds
Person: God damn, sea levels are rising, Russia and NATO are warmongering with each other, inflation is batshit insane, i think it might be a good time to kill myself since i probably won't live much longer anyway.
<3princessrainbowsparkles<3: NOdont kill urself!!! 1-800-273-8255!!1!1!1! TEmp0rary problem perminent solutieon!!!1!!1
by PNurBH March 1, 2023
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Formerly a descriptor for practices claiming to be scientific with no evidence in favor of the practice, the term "Pseudoscience" has unfortunately devolved into a catch-all pejorative term for anything that doesn't align with the majority opinion of self-proclaimed "intellectuals" who will create 1500+ word essays on why you're wrong and why you should "TRUST THE SCIENCE". Because of the modern redefinition of the term, several harmless beliefs and hobbies (eg. Cryptozoology, Astrology, Ufology) have been lumped into the same category as absolutely braindead theories that even fetuses would be able to identify as bullshit (eg. Flat earth), or genuinely dangerous beliefs and practices (eg. Horse Dewormer and Bleach as "cures" for COVID and other related quackery). Science actually sometimes relies on "Pseudoscientific" practices to make new breakthroughs. For example, Plate tectonics used to be given no credibility, but are now generally accepted.

The term is now systemically abused heavily on Wikipedia due to said site's high reliance on secondary sources. Said secondary sources (mostly editorials on popular news magazine websites) heavily abuse the term "pseudoscience", especially when talking about those who are politically right-wing (while ignoring left-wing pseudoscientific, or at least denialist movements such as the anti-GMO or anti-nuclear energy movements).
Person 1: Hey, check out this cool cryptid book i got!
Person 2: Aww sweet! My favorite is the Bunyip, i wonder what it'll look li-
Persons 1 and 2: Dude wtf
by PNurBH June 6, 2023
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George W. Bush 2.0

An interventionist neoconservative disguised as a woke democrat.

Currently in a 4-way polyamorous marriage with Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Jens Stoltenberg, and Hibatullah Akhundzada, with Jill Biden as a public cover-up. Has established Ukraine as the 51st state of America. Wants to start a Second Cold War with China and Russia, sacrificing the safety and liberty of the world's citizens in the name of democracy, a failed form of government that only works in practice and has been used to "justify" forever-wars. Extremely racist, homophobic, and sniffs children. Also has dementia, can't construct a single sentence, and falls down stairs and off bikes. Is trying to inflate the US Economy to be equal with Venezuela and is making basic living for the middle class impossible, despite promising to "tax the rich".

Although i hate Trump and support LGBTQ+ rights, there is one phrase i highly agree with regardless; Let's Go Brandon.

Aaaand cue the Urban Dictionary downvote bots!
Emily 13 BLM/ACAB/KAM (Cloudself/cloud): OMG cheetopuff fascist man is gone daddy Joe Biden will save america!!!1!1!1!
Someone with actual fucking common sense: Ok bitch whatever, don't come crying to me when you die in nuclear hellfire after being drafted in Kyiv, or when you die from not being able to afford basic housing, food and electric bills.
by PNurBH October 2, 2022
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A phrase one chants when experiencing blackouts after reading the famous novel "The Catcher in the Rye" by J. D. Salinger.
Butters: Kill John Lennon! KILL JOHN LENNON! Kill John Lennon! Kill John Lennon!
Butters: Hey, dad, where does John Lennon live?
Stephen: John Lennon's dead, Butters.
Butters: Aww, dangit!
by PNurBH June 7, 2022
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Something that is not available on Youtube but available here on Urban Dictionary, when ideally it should be the other way around.
Person: *posts slightly controversial political definition*
Urban Dictionary dislike mob: *Dislikes the definition*
by PNurBH March 1, 2023
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