a person, usually female, who has sexual relations, especially oral, with many people for little or no gain. It is short for the word jump down. See also ho. Can be used as a noun or a verb.
Noun: You know that one girl Tina up the street? She a jd.

Verb: Tina was jd'ing every last one of them dudes at the party.
by qdmasta September 2, 2003
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noun- An emo boy or loser kid.
That kid is SUCH a JD!
Ewwwwwww it's JD!
by Jen March 30, 2004
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by jd March 23, 2003
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A "coon" (animal) hunting homosexual. A slang term used in central alabama for rednecks.
"Look at that JD in the 4X4 spitting dip out of his window".
by Yardovic March 27, 2005
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Someone who only wears clothes from jd, a jd warrior is mainly seen wearing Sonetti and Carbrini.
Look at Scott hartas what a Jd warrior wearing sonetti from head to the feet.
by Chav exposer April 10, 2016
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The act of a female cramming ping pong balls in her Pussy and shooting them at her man... while he swings at them with his erect cock.
Victoria thought she’d spice things up in the bedroom by playing the Dirty JD
by Coppernicus January 5, 2021
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