Masonic group for Girls that teachs the same life skills as Demolay.
See Demolay and switch guy with girl and crap like that
by Chev Guy March 12, 2004
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1) A spectrum of light usually seen after a rain storm.

2) Symbol for lgbt community.

3) Some bitchy girl who likes to hug people.
1) Double rainbow all the way across the sky... yeah, yeeaah, so intense!

2) Support gays, because we're awesome like rainbows!
(Or, alternatively, be a Christian redneck and don't.)

by Hysterhex October 21, 2011
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The act of eating out a female whilst they are having their period.
Nick spent his time eating Sarah out, and when he rose Sarah noticed blood around his lips.
by Dark Kitten April 9, 2005
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Small creature which crawls up your leg and into your rectum, and then proceeds to bite the inside of it.
AH! God Damnit! A rainbow just got me!
by adnonimape April 25, 2005
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A spectacular soccer move: you get the ball past an opposing player by kicking the ball behind your back in an upward forward arc, sending the ball over your head and that of the opposing player. Can be both a noun and a verb.
Did you see me rainbow that guy?

That was an incredible rainbow you just did! Where did you learn how to do that?
by Sdp324 November 14, 2011
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ADJ: Full of rainbows, the epitome of rainbows, of/related to/making one think of rainbows.

(NOTE, this is so totally a word. This is the most real word on the planet. Mister Webster himself used this word.)
Jane: "There is this girl at my school with cool hair. It has many colors - it is so RAINBOWFUL!!"

Dick: "That's cool.. are you a lesbian?"

- - - -

Martha: "Look at that evil little bunny!"

Stewart: "LOOK OUT! It's so rainbowful! I'm blinded!"

Le bunny: * blows Martha and Stewart to pieces *
by Fluffy Princess Anon December 13, 2012
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