1.) A knucklehead or idiot who's ignorant of the world around them. They lack self awareness and are oblivious to what they say and their own actions.

2.) A blind chauvinist that displays uncritical loyalty and enthusiasm towards a team, organization, leader, band, institution, etc in spite of their obvious faults and shortcomings. Usually belligerent to criticism no matter how constructive or benign it is to their entity they blindly and uncritically support.

3.) People who never learn from their mistakes or never learn period. See definition #1.
I'm no longer friends with him because he's such a homer. I didn't like his attitude nor could I tolerate his ignorance and lack of respect for others. He'll never learn from his own action nor see the light.
by Preston Pierce November 24, 2011
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Having blind judgement towards a player because he is on that person's favorite team. Usually results in poor arguments in discussions and getting raped in fantasy trades.
ROFL Did you see Thud homer Pedro in that god-awful trade yesterday?
by Kenny1243 April 25, 2006
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To pull a homer. "he won the lottery even though he thought he was buying grocerys when he bought the ticket"
by wordy hoe February 24, 2005
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What sports announcers have nowadays. Hawk Harrelson, for example. Dude is just a cheerleader instead of an actual broadcaster.
Duane Kuiper, a broadcaster for the Giants, shows that he sucks at this job because of his homerism.
by UnderPressure September 19, 2006
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head of the greatest american family.
"the simpsons"

infact the only thing good to come from
homer for president
by marleyb March 19, 2004
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1. Homer Simpson. To pull a homer is do something that Homer Simpson would do i.e. something really stupid.

2. Home Run in baseball.
1. That guy's a real Homer. He sure did a homer

2. Sammy Sosa hit a homer
by edvardta February 9, 2004
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Having grown out thick brambled pubic hair like platinum recording artist Jewel, who is from Homer, Alaska.
Bro, I'm finta scrub my dirty hot dog pot with this bitchs brown brillo pad. She homered.
by Boney Stark November 11, 2021
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