-gives music a bad name.
-says "like" wayy too much for anyones own good.
-doesn't appreciate her fans. (what fans?!)
-fights over the stupidest things with everyone. (lindsay and avril win though)
-is very immature.
-has a horrible voice.
-is so unappreciative of her career.

'fights over the stupidest things with ppl.'
^^^"mommy, linsay stole my boyfriend."
ohh boo hoo, bitch, go suck a bottle. that's the only thing you'll ever suck anyways.

-her fans are a bunch of slut-faces hoe-bags who think that a day at the mall is what life's all about.
by Joanna November 13, 2004
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An actress/singer who should just quit and work the drive-thru at Burger King. Best described by making fun of her lyrics.
Let the rain fall down and take her away.
Let it wash away her vanity.
Because we\'d rather hear the thunder than hear her sing.
by Clueless April 26, 2005
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Stupid bitch that thinks she can sing and act. God William Shatner is better.
Duff has a sister.
Duffman can't hear!!!! Ohh YEAH!!!!
by Kunx990 July 9, 2004
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POSER!!! She thinks that if she dates joel from good charlotte that she can be punk! She needs to go back to aaron carter! Shes such a fuckin gay prep!
And WTF was joel thinking when he asked her out???
Hilary and her sister cannot sing!
I cant beleive her sister got a part in napoleon dynamite she ruined the movie!
by Enna B. January 17, 2005
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stupid blonde who doesnt know how to sing or has no vocal talents. some thing about her i do not like she sucks
i wanna rip her head off. rite NOW
by mc July 12, 2004
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When a pedophile poses as a record producer and intices an underaged hottie with a recording contract and movie deal in order to get her into an "audition" at his studio apartment. Later he sells the video clips of her "performance" on his website for $29.95!
Pedophile:"Dude, I ran into this hot 14 year old and I so Hilary Duff'ed her!"
Undercover cop:"Congratulations! You are now someones future Bitch!" Handcuffs come out...
by Lord Meatclown August 9, 2004
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The worst pop star in the entire world. Her music is a piece of shit, her movies are horrible, and she's so fucking fake looking! I mean, she's a total fake blonde and a poseur punk. Anyone who likes her is fucking crazy or a 10 year old girl who'll grow up to be a prostitute or a stripper. If you like Hilary, GET A LIFE! Honestly!
POSEUR: Hey, girlfriend! Check out this new Hilary CD, Metamorphosis! It's like, so, like, hawt! OMG you should so buy it and rock out!
PERSON: You suck balls. Go find some good music, bitch.

POSEUR: (sings) Let the raaaaain fall down...
PERSON: Aw fuck turn that shit off, it's like drowning in a vat of Cotton Candy! Jesus!

PERVERT: Oh, man, I wanna do Hilary up the ass...
PERSON: Have you even seen her? She's so ugly and fake!
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