When a person is having a cocaine fit, they are "Hangin' a line". This is accompanied by irritability, short temper, etc.
by Lisa Rose La Saga July 11, 2006
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verb - to relax to the upmost extent. once comfort becomes an ideal. to relax on the 'reg' (regular).
K: Hey! Want to hang as hard as humanly possible?
B: Yeah, we do that on the reg...hangin' hard.
by headweight sparklebeard February 19, 2010
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When a girl refuses to wear a bra, this results in her breasts looking like hanging hams
by Jadan Shacofford April 23, 2009
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When you slang hang yo shoes but you do it like butteryass DONOVAN STRAIN! and do it through yo legs or somethin
Donovan Strain: Aight so yo i'ma teach you howda grape flip

Steve Berra: Yo foo', teach me howda bust out some crazy ass nang hangin' yo

Donovan Strain: Aaaaaaaaaaaaight

by SAY WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!? April 5, 2009
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boobs that sag due to lack of bra usage or old age
Fella #1:"Hey, see them hangin sallys over there?"
Fella #2:"Yeah...gross."
by Hullabalu Chew November 19, 2009
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what happens when you're free-balling or tits are flapping
My balls were hangin' and bangin' last night when I went commando.
by sturdy1028 April 2, 2009
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