American, from the USA. The term comes from the american intervention in mexico in the late eighteen hundreds. Term derives from the popular phrase "green go home" yelled to american troops because of their green uniforms. It does not mean "white" or "caucasian" it is a derrogatory term depending on the context.
Gringa: female gringo. In mexico city it is a dish of shepherd style pork and cheese in aflour tortilla topped with coriander onion and pineapple.
It would suck to be a gringo, everyone in the world would hate you.

Pinches gringos me la pelan! Son unos pendejazos!!

Me da dos gringas y una coca? Ca I have two gringas and a coke?
by Bujinkanman December 11, 2006
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If you travel around South America for any length of time, you'll come to realise that the word "gringo" there is generally synonymous with "foreigner", regardless of race or skin color.

For example an Argentinian is a gringo in Brasil, a Colombian is a gringo in Chile etc. It's used in both Spanish and Portuguese. Technically then, Latinos are the "gringos" in the US...

Most dictionaries say that it originally comes for the Spanish word for greek, which is "griego". This in turn dates back to a Medieval Latin phrase "Graecum est; non potest legi" (It is Greek; it cannot be read). A Spanish version of this is "hablar en griego", to speak Greek and therefore be unintelligible.
Não, meu! O cara é gringo, de Argentina. Você não ouviu o sotaque dele?
by vitamin jay October 2, 2006
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Has. Nothing. To. Do. With. Skin. Colour.

Term used by Latin-Americans for non-Spanish(or Portuegese) speakers, particularly Anglo-Americans. Can range from affectionate to pejorative.
"Man, I think that pasty-ass Argentinian called me a gringo", said Tyrone.
by Jaaacob July 25, 2006
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Gringos eat a lot of hamburguers
by mexman February 13, 2004
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Despite what some people think, it is a non-derogatory term used to name USA born people in countries like Mexico and Brazil.

Some people could call a foreign tourist (i.e. a french or a german) also "gringo" but it is only because they can't perceive (or don't care about) the obvious difference: language.

Female form: gringa.
Hi gringo!
There are some beautiful gringas in Cancun at springbreak.
by Dan April 13, 2004
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joint. a marijuana cigarette. popular term used by youth from Quebec.
l'ets go smoke that gringo. On s'en va tu fumer ce gringo.
by Banana_ December 5, 2009
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Los maricones mas grandes de todos, y ke tienen la pinga muy chiquita. The insult hispanic people that don't have a perfect accent in english, but won't evn try to speak other languages because they are so self centered they think they are the best.
#1: mira a esos gringos

#2: ya ves son unos fachas, nadie les obliga cantar el himno nacional en nuestros paises pero nosotros tenmos ke hablar el ingles perfectamente y cantar alante de su bandera.
#3: Putos gringos!!!
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