What happens sometimes at Christmas time. One see's a nut, and one fucks it...although I wouldnt..
!I could screw some nutella, dear!
by Jim Hodgson October 3, 2003
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a gay when used towards guys and just a really retarded moronic person if used towards a girl.
Jimmy: "hey! im really hyper! do you want to chat! omg this is so fun! i feel drunk dude! lyke o-m-i-god!!!"
Ren: " O.o shut the hell up you fucknut...."
Jimmy: "What is that?!"
Ren: "Its a homo you homo-sex-u-al..... -_-'"
by ren-chan October 12, 2005
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A slithering, slimy, liberal piece of crap without a life who if he had the means to get a life or get get laid might mellow out. He jocks Fucknuts and sends him E mail asking him if he can perform oral sex on him. Everyone on the Asheville, NC wishes Fucknuts would just blow a load in his mouth so he would quit being so annoying but Fucknuts thinks more of his semen to just discard it on the tongue of such a loser.
Look there's fucknut's stalker making an ass of himself yet again.

President Obama just introduced legislation officially discarding The Constitution and instituting Soviet Communism. Fucknut's stalker is going door to door in support of it.
by Fucknuts Sr. January 2, 2011
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a nut that has been fucked by nonother than ....... ur mom!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG Ben Angle from Kingman Arizona is so fuckin gay and his mom is a fucknut.
by a pseudonym April 23, 2005
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The popular battle royal also known as fortnite, created in 2017, attracting millions of people around the world. One of the most famous content creators for this game is the one and only ligma king ninja. The game is currently in it's 7th season.
Person 1: "Hey, you want to go play fucknut balls royal?"

Person 2: "No, I think I'll just play overfuck. Fucknut sucks.
by Fucknut balls royal February 26, 2019
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Orange with permanent cognitive paralysis. Mainly found in the White House and also spotted on twitter.
Demented orange fucknut is complaining that the deals are the worst in history of deals.
by Dr_Player May 17, 2018
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